The Top Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Heavy-Duty Truck Repair Shop

Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Truck Repair Shop

When it comes to maintaining and repairing heavy-duty trucks, choosing the right repair shop is a critical decision that can impact both your business operations and road safety. However, navigating all the different options can be overwhelming, leading you to make the incorrect, sometimes costly, choice.

Don't worry, though; that's what we're here for! In this article, we delve into the top mistakes to steer clear of when selecting a heavy-duty truck repair shop. Join us as we explore these pitfalls and offer valuable insights to ensure you make the best choice for your truck.

Considering Too Few Options

Let’s start with the golden rule to kick things off. Always shop around. Don’t just go with the first shop you see on Google. These won’t necessarily be the best at repairs, just the best at marketing. 

Have a look around, see what other people are saying, and find a shop that suits your specific needs. 

Choosing Solely Based On Price 

You should always be looking to get the best deal for your business, so going with a repair shop that is offering you the lowest price might seem like a no-brainer. However, it’s always good to remember that repairs are similar to tattoos; good ones aren’t cheap, and cheap ones aren’t good. 

That’s not to say that there aren’t good deals to be found out there, but choosing one just because it’s cheap could seriously compromise your safety on the road. 

Only Going Off of Recommendations  

Stay with us here because this might sound like a weird one, as personal recommendations are usually a good sign. But if you just take this person's word and don’t shop around, then you’re potentially missing out on some better deals out there. 

Recommendations may also not align with what you’re specifically looking for. Just because your friend told you that their brake repairs are good doesn’t mean that their tire repairs will be.

Making a Quick Decision

Desperation can cloud your judgment and often lead to the wrong decision being made. Even if time is a factor, make sure that you take your time and make the correct decision before committing. 

Ignoring Reviews 

Did you know that 95% of people read reviews before buying? A quick Google search can let you see exactly what other customers have to say. If you see one or two bad ones in a sea of glowing reviews, then don’t take them too seriously.

But if you see a lot of poor reviews that keep mentioning the same issue, then maybe it’s time to find someone else. 

Not Receiving an Estimate 

Even though cheaper doesn’t always mean better, you don’t want to pay over the odds and get ripped off. Make sure before you agree to anything that you get a detailed estimate with a comprehensive breakdown of costs. Without an estimate, a cheap fix could soon become an expensive nightmare. 

Trusting Shops With No Experience

Let's revisit the tattoo analogy again. Just like you probably shouldn’t let someone with zero experience ink your body permanently, you probably shouldn’t trust a garage that has never picked up a wrench to make sure that your brakes are in working order.

That’s not to say that newbies can’t do a good job. But typically, those with more years under their belt will carry out quicker and more comprehensive repairs.

Picking a Shop With No Parts or Inventory 

“Sorry, we don’t have any differential bearings in at the moment.” 

“Ok, but when will they be in?”


With supply chain issues impacting everyone across the world, if they don’t have your required parts in immediately, you could be waiting a while.

Not Checking How They Accept Payments

There are a million convenient ways to make payments these days. And although cash is king, electronic payments are safe and are easily disputable through your bank if the service you have received is not up to scratch. If they only accept one form of payment that isn't your preferred method, then maybe look elsewhere.

Going With One That is Unresponsive

How many times have you tried to get through to them? Do they only have one contact method? Is this a cell phone that is always going straight to voicemail? Communication is key, and if they haven’t got that nailed down, start ringing around to other shops. 

Not Checking Warranty and Insurance Coverage

Do they stand behind their work? If so, for how long? If they don’t offer a comprehensive warranty and insurance coverage, they can get away with shoddy work, putting you at risk on the road and forcing you to search for another garage to fix their mess. 

Neglecting Turnaround Time 

What is their turnaround time? Is it reasonable? If they can’t even estimate how long it will take, don’t waste your time. 

Not Investigating What Services They Offer

All repair shops worth their salt will be more than capable of carrying out a wide range of repairs and services. The more limited they are, the more they can be viewed in two ways:

  1. They aren’t experienced, and that lack of experience will translate into the services or repairs they do offer
  2. Because they focus on a smaller range of repairs, what they do offer will be of higher quality 

If in doubt, check the reviews and see which one of the above applies to them. 

Choosing One That Is Too Far Away 

Everything may seem perfect on paper. Experience, cost, and reviews—great! But what’s that—it’s 6 hours away from your location? 

Looks like it may not be as perfect as you thought, after all. 

Not Trusting Your Gut 

Lastly, always trust your gut.

It’s got you this far, so don’t start ignoring it now. There’s no real data to back up this point, but if something feels off with the repair shop, then there’s probably a reason for this. 

Final Thoughts 

As you navigate the realm of heavy-duty truck repairs, remember: steering clear of these slip-ups can be a game-changer. Your choice of a repair shop doesn't just impact your vehicle's performance but also your business. 

So, take these tips on board, do your homework, and choose a repair shop that works for you. Your trucks will thank you with smooth rides, and your balance sheet will give you a nod of approval. Trust your gut, go for quality, and hit the road with confidence!

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Tue: 8 AM - 5 PM
Wed: 8 AM - 5 PM
Thur: 8 AM - 5 PM
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